Pre-compiled binaries

Axiom has been compiled to run on various platforms.

This table contains links to various tar-gzipped version of files. In general you need to know the name of the file you download, usually something ending in .tgz (tar-gzip). You also need to know where the file gets untarred, this is referred to as (where) below. When you cd to the (where) location you should see the top level Makefile for Axiom, the changelog, etc.

Axiom builds on various platforms and uses the convention that the last name in the AXIOM shell variable denotes the type of system. This is referred to as the SYSNAME. You need to know which SYSNAME you downloaded.

To use one of these binaries just do:

  download the binary and untar it.
  cd axiom
  export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/SYSNAME <= replace SYSNAME with actual name
  export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
SYSNAME      Mar 2011     July 2011     Sept 2011     Nov 2011     Jan 2012    
debian src bin src src src src
fedora src bin src src src src
opensuse src bin src src src src
redhat9 src src src src src
ubuntu src bin src bin src bin src bin src bin
ubuntu64 src src src src src
vector src bin src src src src
slackware src bin src src src src
mandriva src src src src src
centos src bin

Axiom on Windows:

You can now run Axiom on a Windows box. Basically all Axiom needs to run is an X server and a linux install. This detailed set of steps shows you how to set up an X server on windows (Step A), get a copy of Axiom (Step B), set up ubuntu (Step C), set up the minor details (Step D, E), and start Axiom (Step F). The steps are very simple and are laid out in detail here:
  1. set up an X server on windows:
    1. visit
    2. download Xming
    3. install it in windows
    4. launch it
  2. download axiom ubuntu image
    1. visit
    2. download ubuntu as axiom-ubuntu-nov2008-bin.tgz
    3. save axiom tgz image to C:\
  3. set up Portable_Ubuntu on windows
    1. download Portable_Ubuntu
    2. run the exe to install it (it created c:\Portable_Ubuntu directory)
    3. cd Portable_Ubuntu
    4. run_portable_ubuntu (it is a bat file)
  4. enable root access in ubuntu
    1. in the ubuntu menu bar Applications->Accessories->Terminal
    2. sudo passwd root (the default root password is 123456)
    3. choose and set a new password
  5. find your window IP address
    1. open a windows cmd window (Start->Accessories->Command Prompt)
    2. type ipconfig
    3. write down your IP address (e.g.
  6. install axiom into /etc (the only place with room in my install)
    1. su - (become root in ubunut)
    2. cd /etc
    3. tar -zxf /mnt/C/axiom-ubuntu-nov2008-bin.tgz
  7. test starting axiom
    1. cd axiom
    2. export DISPLAY=
    3. export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/ubuntu
    4. export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
    5. axiom
Now you can start Axiom anytime. Most of these steps can be put into shell scripts on Ubuntu and bat files in Windows.
  1. launch Xming (if you don't plan to draw or use hyperdoc, skip this)
  2. cd Portable_Ubuntu
  3. run_portable_ubuntu
  4. cd /etc/axiom
  5. export DISPLAY=
  6. export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/ubuntu
  7. export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
  8. axiom

Older versions

macosxppc Mar 2008 src bin
fedora1 Nov 2004 bin
fedora2 Nov 2004 bin
fedora2-64 Nov 2004 bin

Source code

Axiom source code is maintained in a Gold and Silver version. The Gold version is the "released" version. Gold versions are released every two months.
The Silver version is the current "bleeding edge" that contains changes which will be tested and released into Gold every two months. Unless you need a recent feature or bug fix, or are working as a developer, there is no reason to use Silver



The Gold (November 2008) release of Axiom is available.
The source code tarball from November, 2008 is here
tar -zxf axiom-july2008-src.tgz
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/ (see table below)
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH


You can clone the git repository from GitHub:
git clone git://
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/ (see table below)
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH


Note: As of May 2009, CVS is no longer supported. Use Git. To download the code from sourceforge, do:
git clone git://
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/ (see table below)
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
Or you can download the sourcecode from savannah:
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/ (see table below)
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH

Doyen Thumbdrive

Afer you download and unzip the file, copy the boot and DOYEN directories to your USB drive.

Make sure you are inside the mounted drive and run (bootinst.bat on windows) that is inside the boot directory. Please make SURE you are installing to the USB DRIVE in the message.

Compile notes

In general, various systems insist on moving critical files around or, worse yet, don't install needed files. These notes show particular details for known systems


(for 64-bit version: yum install glibc.i686)
yum install xterm emacs patch m4
yum install libXt-devel libXpm-devel gcc xorg-x11-proto-devel
yum install tetex tetex-fonts tetex-dvips tetex-latex ghostscript
rpm -Uvh
yum install --enablerepo=webtatic git-all
download the latest axiom-(date)-src.tgz
tar -zxf axiom-(date)-src.tgz
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/centos
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH



(for 64-bit version: yum install glibc.i686)
yum install xterm emacs git-core patch texlive texlive-latex m4
yum install libXt-devel libXpm-devel gcc xorg-x11-proto-devel
download the latest axiom-(date)-src.tgz
tar -zxf axiom-(date)-src.tgz
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/fedora10
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH



urpmi xterm emacs git-core texlive texlive-latex libXpm-devel make gcc patch
download the latest axiom-(date)-src.tgz
tar -zxf axiom-(date)-src.tgz
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/mandriva
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH



echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
apt-get install m4 libxpm-dev libxt-dev x-dev libx11-dev 
apt-get install libxext-dev gettext git-core texlive gawk 
git clone git://
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/ubuntu
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH

Also note that Ubuntu ships a broken xterm setting for the emacs alt key
where alt is supposed to be meta. Add the following line 
  XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
in your .Xresources file


Since 2008 portage has added code to eliminate text relocations,
executable stacks, writeable+executable segments, and .hash sections
from ELF files. These need to be modified with these annotations:
+RESTRICT="strip binchecks installsources"

+QA_TEXTRELS="opt/${P}/{algebra,autoload}/*.o opt/${P}/bin/AXIOMsys"
+QA_EXECSTACK="opt/${P}/{algebra,autoload}/*.o opt/${P}/bin/AXIOMsys"
+QA_WX_LOAD="opt/${P}/{algebra,autoload}/*.o opt/${P}/bin/AXIOMsys"
+QA_TEXTRELS="opt/${P}/{algebra,autoload}/*.o opt/${P}/bin/AXIOMsys"
+QA_TEXTRELS="opt/${P}/{algebra,autoload}/*.o opt/${P}/bin/AXIOMsys"

James Cloos has published his ebuild at:


echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/exec_shield
echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
yast2 --install m4 git-core texlive gawk xterm emacs patch texlive-latex
yast2 --install gcc xorg-x11-proto-devel make xorg-x11-libXpm-devel
rpm -i texlive-latex-2007-69.noarch.rpm
git clone git://
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/opensuse
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH


You might have to add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list like:
  deb etch main contrib
and then do:
apt-get update

Next you need to install these packages:

apt-get install gcc build-essential debhelper gettext gs-gpl html2text
apt-get install intltool-debian libgmp3-dev libice-dev libxau-dev libxaw7-dev
apt-get install po-debconf x-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev 
apt-get install libncurses5-dev libreadline5-dev libstdc++6-4.1-dev gawk
apt-get install texlive-pstricks git-core texlive
git clone git://
cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/debian
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH

Mac OSX Intel

The MAC port has a few issues. The known problems are:
The pseudo-terminals (/dev/pty) don't work so the hyperdoc/graphics fails.
This is still under study.

The )browse command works but you have to use the latest firefox because
safari does not seem to know about the http request object.

install xcode from
download and untar the sources from the apple website.

cd axiom
export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/macosxppc
export PATH=/sw/bin:$AXIOM/bin:$PATH


The Doyen image was created by Jose Alfredo Portes

The book is included in the binary distribution. To view it type:
xdvi (where)/mnt/(SYSNAME)/doc/book.dvi

The tutorial is also included in the binary distribution. To view it type:
xdvi (where)/mnt/(SYSNAME)/doc/bookvol1.dvi

Axiom is also available as a pre-compiled package in:
In general, you download the binary to a location and then type:
  tar -zxf binaryname.tgz
     this creates a directory called "mnt"
     in "mnt" there is a directory which is the sysname.
     for instance, you'll see mnt/fedora5 so the sysname is fedora5
  export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/(sysname)
  export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
You do not need the source code to run Axiom. Everything is in the binary. If you do choose to build from the sources you download the source and then type:
  tar -zxf sourcename.tgz
    this creates a directory called "axiom"
    the sysname is given in the column head of the following table
  cd axiom
  export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/(sysname)
  export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
Note that if the make fails on some systems it may be due to the security setup. As root you can try:
 echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield
 echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
Both of these settings have caused build problems.